Why you'd want to live in Washington
Washington City is a thriving city that is attractive to many both retired and young. It is one of the cities of Southern Utah that has exploded with population growth. New homes are being constructed to supply the needs of shelter. Hotel’s are being built to provide rest for the continued increase of tourists and visitors, and new businesses break ground to help increase services and entertainment for the community. Washington City will continue to be an oasis of opportunity for everyone. But with growth comes challenges. It’s never easy to balance the future needs with historic ideals. The City has a very challenging professional golf course that draws players from all over the west because of its design and difficulty. There are numerous beautiful parks throughout the city that are pristinely maintained. There is even a park just for dogs. And one of the great historic sites of Washington City is Warm Springs with it’s consistent water flow since the first records were kept that was used as dipping water for culinary use as well as irrigation and then served as a swimming hole for kids and adults; it has been invested in as a new park called The Boilers to provide a similar experience for future generations. Washington City also established a 110,000 sq. ft. Community Center in 2008 which has aquatics, basketball courts, gyms, a weight room, a walking track, outdoor pavilions, volleyball courts, and more; it provides something for everyone, all in one place. via washingtoncity.org